Dr. Trap Steam Management System




Dr. Trap PM301 by Miyawaki.

Advanced Steam Trap Management System
PM 301
It consists of:
• Processor PM 310.
 It processes the data from the detector, displays and stores results.
• Detector PM 321.
It detects the vibration and temperature in steam traps, which is used in their diagnosis.
 It can be run on a personal computer. It aggregates and analyzes steam trap data from the processor, identifying faulty steam traps, leaking traps ,etc., making it easy to manage all of your traps. It provides detailed charts and graphs. Survey results are transferred from the processor to the computer using the Dr. Trap management software.
1. High-speed diagnosis:
 Each steam trap will be surveyed in less than 10 seconds. A normal trap without any leaks can be tested in only 2 – 4 seconds. Out of service traps are always identified in 2 – 4 seconds.
2. Small and lightweight:
 The total weight of the detector and processor is only 580 g (1.25 lb), which means that it can be carried by a technician for an extended period of time without fatigue.
3. Simple operation:
 A steam trap can be tested with a single press of the „OP“ key on the detector. The processor design requires only simple actions by the operator, making it easy to learn to use.
4. Can be used with high-pressure traps:
 Dr. Trap  can be used to test any steam trap at a wide range of pressures and at temperatures up to 500°C (932°F).
5. Extended battery operation:
 The batteries allow approx. 12 hours of continuous operation. There is no need to replace the batteries in the middle of the day.
6. Ample storage:
 The results of 1,000 steam trap checks can be stored in the processor’s memory.
7. High-speed automatic analysis:
 The Dr. Trap  soft-ware provides automatic analysis and high-speed sorting of the data collected.